I am surprised by the anxiety as I purchase my tickets. For two days I struggle with the dates and times, finally I buy. The next day after canceling the itinerary I'm back fiddling with dates and times. I purchase again, it has taken me four days to make a decision; what the heck?
This is the third year one would think this would be old hat by now, but no! Well the darn things are now purchased somewhat less anxiety, so purchased they will stay.
I leave May 7th via Delta Airlines this year. The past two I have used Continental, however this year their prices reached $1200, mine are $789 nice savings.
Mark will get a kick out of this = I almost reformatted my hard drive; almost. I was having some difficulty getting rid of a piece of software that had embedded itself in my computer somewhere. This computer has a option of letting you reload everything from a point before you started having problems, which I did. It appears that the option chose took the computer back to about the time I bought it wiping out everything I had put on it for the past year. Writings, downloads, pictures, etc.. All gone! Darn! Darn! Darn!
Sooooo all my postings from my 2006 and 2007 trips are gone, thus there will be no more entries in this blog about prior trips. Bummer dude!
I am sure there is some metaphysical or Freudian reason for this to have happened. How ever it could be, possibably, just not paying attention to business.

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