Sunday, May 18, 2014, 2:23 AM Phoenix, 10:23 AM Salisbury
Kicking back and relaxing after my Odyssey. Made my meeting at the Festival office where I renewed acquaintance with the general manager Helen and the met the head to the volunteers Jane. We are trained in how to answer phones and what to say when one picks up. Seems they may need more of my time than originally planned; no worries mate! Picked up my bike and packed my panniers in an attempt to get ready to travel. However, yet another glitch raised its head in the form of a sim card that is turning out to be a pain. Have to wait for the store to open so I can have them give a look see what’s up. So back at the Kings Head for another porridge and coffee along with the use of their WiFi. Contacted Adelia, a person I met on the Camino last year, and said I’d like to head her way for a visit.
It looks to be a two day ride to get to where she lives then will probably take the train back to Salisbury. However, I may have to put that off due to it being too late a start time. I’m checking the map again to see if I can make the first campground since I don’t want to dry camp right off the bat. When to the movie rode around town, worked on the bike, bought some stuff that I found out I could not live without. I’ve not been up to much guess you could say I’m on vacation.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 6:41 AM, 2:41 pm England
Spend most of Sunday dealing with the phone store in an attempt to get my phone sorted out. After a little research I find that on a recent downloaded updater from Android my phone was re-locked and it would now have to pay for an unlock code. Tired of dealing with it especially since there are so may free WiFi hotspots around the city. Left Salisbury on Monday at around 8:00 AM and am glad I’m finally on the road. My plan is to ride down to Poole and then catch a train to Adelia’s town, spend a few days then head back to Salisbury to work at the Festival. No plans after that at his point.
It was a long hard ride as it seems I’d forgotten just how steep the hills are here. It’s been awhile since I've made a long ride that included many hills. I did spend a great deal of time walking along side my bike up some quite steep inclines. Past through some lovely villages one of which is Rockbourne is close to the New Forest. The Roman villa once stood in the center of a large farming estate, and is the largest known villa in the area. Its history spans the period from the Iron Age, about 800 BC to 100 AD, to the 5th century AD. Next stop was Cranbourn where had lunch in a charming pub called the Sheaf of Arrowswith good food and friendly staff. They watched my bike and backpack while I took a little break and visited the local church. St Mary’s and St Bartholomew which was once a monastery until Henry the VIII came along.
Harder riding to come then the commencing of a sore butt and ending at a lovey camp site which I had all to myself. I arrived at Wilksworth Farm Caravan Park around 4:30 PM and was warmly greeted. After checking for the first time in all the time coming to England this is the first with and electricity at my pitch. The clerk even gave me a cord to use. Set up and ready for dinner I pop down to the store to see if they have a roll or two. The helpful lady was sorry she had on frozen bread available. They she say’s “Here I’ve just been shopping you can have one of ours, my husband won’t miss it.” We have a good laugh after I ask if her husband will come looking for me and his roll. After a dinner of vegetarian beans on toast and a salad it’s time for some sleep.
I’m up and off reaching Wimborne where I stop to take a picture from a bridge. A fellow comes along and tells me how a month ago the whole area I’m looking at was under water from flooding. We talk a bit about where we are from and where I’m headed. He tells me of a bike walking path, Castleman Trailway, created from an old RR line long gone. It is a lovely ride right to Poole. It is a nice level ride, thankfully, no hills. Up on reaching Poole I head to the RR station expecting to catch the next train to Exeter and south. I find out, again, that I don’t know the English train system as well as I thought. In order to get to Adelia’s town I have to make five changes and it will be a 5 hour ride taking me back to Salisbury. I get a text from Adelia wanting to know when she can expect me. I’m on my way back to Salisbury, disheartened that I had not planned things better, where I call Adelia and explain my plight. We have a laugh and make plans for me to head, via the correct train to her with no restrictions on the amount of time I have to get there or leave.
I arrive at the Salisbury Caravan and Camping Club with Wendy waiting for me at the door step. After the usual warm welcome she escorts me to the Arizona Corner or the Carl and Mark Corner. We chat on the way about family and travels. Nigel is off flying so will not get to see him until later. After setting up camp it is time to head into town for some provisions and dinner at you guessed it; The Kings Head. Up no my return I find two fellows from Italy set up near me. I have a talk with one of them about the equipment we have. He does not speak English and I do not speak Italian, but we have a conversation anyway. I’m always amazed at how, no matter the language barrier, we find a way to communicate and laugh. What a shame that our world leaders can do that.